Feng Shui, Law of Attraction, or is it just me?

February 13, 2010

Well I have been on this Feng Shui Journey for a about a month and half now and I am still trying to determine if it is Feng Shui, Law of Attraction or if it just me that is creating these things in my life.

My house is almost Feng Shui’d to the max, just sourcing some final bits – but thought I would provide a progress update.

I know in my last blog I said that I would have my bedroom done, it isn’t, I just need some crystals to into the blue ceramic bowl under my bed and a picture (or real thing) of a Peony in the “relationships corner” (also known as the love/partnership corner) and I will post up the photo’s.

Feng Shui Frog

Origami Frog

What I have discovered on my journey is about the money… they say you should have a frog at the front door (with a Chinese Jade plant – I have that too) to encourage wealth in, and a turtle at the back door to slow the wealth out.

Feng Shui Turtle

Origami Turtle

For a couple week I had the frog at the front door, but not the turtle at the back door.

What I have noticed recently, is that I have been blessed with an abundance of money! But as fast as it comes in – it goes out.

So I decided that I did not like this, and really I should have put the turtle at the back door.

You know what…it seems to have slowed down the process of money exiting my house.  So may be it is Feng Shui, may be it is law of attraction, or just me – either way I am enjoying have more money coming in and less going out.

Alisse has been a great support, when I have been slack. But what I learnt the most, is that the journey is mine. She can give me all the hints and tips in the world, but the only way to get success is if I take massive action.

Until next time, I hope you enjoy your Feng Shui Journey

How do you know Feng Shui is working when you don’t do anything…?

January 27, 2010

Two weeks ago I had my house Feng Shui by the lovely Alisse Bradley and have yet to do many of the simple tasks she has asked (sorry Alisse).

But this begs the question, how do you know Feng Shui is working when you don’t do anything?

I really do want more prosperity and abundance in my life, and I am sure a million other people do too, or else the self-improvement industry would go bust.

So what is it that stops us from taking Action? Especially after hearing simple steps to take?

My energy coach Anne Aleckson (yes – I have one of these too – because I really, really want success in 2010 and beyond) has made me realise that everybody is motivated by “pain & pleasure”, we stop ourselves from taking action because we associate more pain with the end result (even though we want to achieve the goal) then pleasure.

So now knowing this, how do I know that Feng Shui is/not working? (for the sceptic in me)

To be honest I don’t know… what I do know is that the life I am living now is not exactly happening the way I would like. The idea of implementing Feng Shui in my life brings me the hope that I will have more clarity and allow more of the positive things I want in my life.

Like Donald Trump has said “I don’t have to understand feng shui.  I just know it makes me money.” So this is what I intend to do.

So the next time you will hear from me – I will have completed my bedroom,

Live, Laugh and Learn!

Does Feng Shui Really Work

January 21, 2010

Feng Shui Bamboo I am on a journey for more happiness and abundance in my life and decied to have my house reviewed with Feng Shui Consultant Alisse Bradley.

I now have the task of setting up my house to be more “Feng Shui” allowing more abundance of the good things I would like in my life.

Over the coming weeks I will show you how things were and how I have changed them in my house and what it suppose to mean. I will also keep you informed of any developments as a result of these changes.

I would like you to join me on this journey to see if Feng Shui really works!